Our 2015 European Adventure

Wednesday, 6.17.2015

Again with the café crème but this time at the Officer’s Café across the street from our hotel (and next to the Ecole Militaire). We headed off to see Napoleon’s tomb with the golden dome and then via metro and the funicular to the Basillica de Sacre Coeur.

After seeing the chapel we walked down the hill and over to the Musee d’Orsay. While overwhelming with the amount of amazing artwork (of all kinds) we were a little disappointed at the little amount of Van Gogh art (compared to the Netherlands). We crossed the Seine river to see the pyramid at the front of the Louvre and then walked through the Jardin d’Touiliries.

A stop back at our hotel and we were off to Zara’s to find a Paris dress for Lynn. She found a black lacy one and we then headed to the Trocadero to meet our Seine champagne cruise.

We had a lovely tour guide named Violet and she provided all our information while cruising the Seine and poured plenty of champagne. After the cruise she led us to the fast line entrance to the second floor of the Eiffel Tower where we were able to see the Paris skyline again. We then took the elevator to the top and were there as they closed the tower at 11:30 p.m.

Elevator back to the ground and a walk to our hotel and our Paris adventure was coming to an end.